Monday, January 19, 2015

Fart Jokes: Is a Sense of Humor Hereditary or is it Taught?

This morning at 3 a.m. as I was rocking her, trying to put her back to sleep, my one-year-old daughter farted on me...and then laughed.

While Anlee has been cutting the cheese on my lap in the early morning hours for awhile now, this is the first time that she actually thought it was funny. Yes, before she can even talk, my baby daughter has fart jokes.

Perhaps it was just an accident, but it was hilarious to me. And it got me thinking more about her little sense of humor and how it compares to mine.

Is it funny? Anlee Daddy
Farting Yes Yes
Animal noises Yes Yes
Peekaboo Yes No
Window curtains Yes No
Splashing in the bath Yes Yes
Bubbles Yes Yes
Mickey Mouse Yes Sometimes
Peter Griffin No Yes
Dane Cook No No
Mommy Dancing Yes Yes

Could it be that my baby daughter is already picking up on what I think is funny? Or was she just born with a Jones-sense of humor?

It goes back to the age-old argument of Nature vs. Nurture.

I tend to think, in this case, humor is mostly nurture: as you absorb what's happening in your environment, you learn from others around you. What they smile about, you will smile about. What they giggle about, you will giggle about. What they cry about, you will cry about.

So perhaps Anlee caught me laughing at her flatulence a couple times and picked up on it. Or maybe she saw me chuckling to a Family Guy fart song. But there is always the possibility breaking wind is universally humorous...a stinky etch in our DNA.

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