Since turning one, Anlee has become a real chatty Cathy. She dabbled in babble before, but she's now well voiced in, well, voice.
And most of the time she isn't talking to least any living, breathing thing. She'll carry on a conversation with herself, a toy, a piece of furniture, the window or a wayward Dorito crumb. It doesn't really matter to her, similar to Donald Trump, just as long as she can hear herself talk.
She's speaking words that only she can understand, because so far I only recognize two phrases:
"na-na" = food (ALL food, drink and stuff she will put in her mouth)
"bub-bub" = puppy
Sure, she says "da-da-da" and "ma-ma-ma", but she isn't directing them at either one of her parents. Soon it will make sense to her though, very soon. But until then, she's just putting random consonants and vowels together to make these alien sentences. Anlee doesn't just use her inside voice though. Sometimes she whispers, sometimes she sounds like she's asking a question, however most of the time it's a straight up scream of vocal diarrhea.
It's hilarious...for now.
I'm guessing once she actually starts speaking intelligible English and sassing back to mom and dad, we won't think it's quite as funny. Until that happens though, she can keep hauling high decibel insults at the sofa all she wants.
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