Thursday, July 10, 2014

Holding a Sleeping Baby

As new parents, life is a literal blur. There's little sleep, a lot of crying (baby and adults), your chaotic life outside the home, plus the heavy responsibility of this new human that needs you to survive. So much to do and never enough time for it all.

Your mind races 24/7. Your to-do list grows with each passing second because you can't keep up. You remember stuff you forgot and forget stuff you should have remembered. It really is like losing your mind.

People may tell you to take a break. "A break! Who's got time for that?"


There's little moments all around you that can put things in perspective. You just have to see them for what they are.

Look closer the next time you change a diaper. Not at what's in the diaper, but at the face up above the stinky mess. Enjoy the smile, forget the laundry.

Look closer the next time you feed her a bottle. It may be startling how much liquid this tiny primate can suck down, but enjoy the little squeaks, forget the dishes.

Look closer the next time you hold your sleeping baby. Enjoy the peace, forget the rest of the "important tasks."

Worrying about the future will do you no good in the present. And a sleeping baby is a precious gift...don't shake it or awake it.

Force yourself to clear out the mind clutter and enjoy the moment for what it is. Remember that you will never get this moment back, so savor it while you can. The whirlwind of life will slow down if you allow it to.

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