Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Proud Dad: Anlee's Taking Baby Steps...Literally

In a baby's first year, there are some monumental firsts. But besides her first words and her first Taco Bell, not much else tops a baby's first steps!

It was about three weeks ago when Anlee truly took her first baby step, but she's getting more balance now to where she can actually put together something that resembles a walk. Tonight she probably took a 20 foot stroll on her own, her longest to date.

Of course, she always feels more comfortable with her toy walker or mommy and daddy's hand, but she's beginning to brave the journey on her own. That makes me proud, yet anxious at the same time.

The more independent she becomes, of course, the less she'll rely on us as parents. And that's a scary thought...especially since she's only 11 months old. She's growing up too fast, I've got a lot more of this to worry about.  

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