Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday Top 10: Jokes from Twitter @JokeBlogger.com

Everyone needs a good laugh at least three times a day. It's like eating, if you don't get enough of it...you'll die. If you haven't followed @JokeBlogger.com on Twitter, you need to right now. These guys surf Twitter to find 140 characters of hilarious magic. These are the Top 10 jokes just from this week.

10. When times are tough: LEGOs is a good substitute for a burglar alarm

9. A group of girls is called a "he did what?"

8. Still no universal background check for guns,but I still get checked for buying kids tylenol.

7. If you can't stand The Heat, you're probably LeBron James.

6. Counting chickens before they hatch is actually way easier.

5. I think Frank is a stupid name for a hot dog.

4. Talk used to be cheap until someone invented cell phones with 2-3 year contracts

3. You know guys.. there is absolutely, positively no straight way you can wash a cucumber.

2. Do women shake the gas pump just after filling up or is it just a man thing?

1. Dogs have dandruff and cats have dandmeow. Hi, I'm single.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Proud Dad

I've learned to appreciate the little things, these precious moments. Two of my biggest loves come together. This is my little girl's first experience with a basketball hoop and a ball. While she was more interested in chewing the ball rather than putting it in the hoop, she's only 7 months old. It's just the first basketball practice between dad and daughter. The first of so many to come...a father can hope.