Saturday, October 11, 2014

Uh, What Did I Just Say?...#1

"Hold on, let me get the can of tuna out of my pocket first."

We've all been there: trying to carry too much, not enough hands.

As a new parent it just gets worse. It's become a "manhood challenge" for me to bring everything in one haul. I feel like a pack mule lugging around a diaper bag, car seat, unused pacifiers, baby food, discarded or soiled articles of clothing, misplaced shoes, plus my own necessities.

So I have to get creative. Every available pocket or vice-like body joint (armpit, elbow, neck, mouth are all awkward, but functional cargo clinchers) has to be used. Last night, I needed to bring in a wayward can of tuna from grocery shopping, so I popped it in my jean's back pocket. I'm just glad I remembered to get it out before it ended up as tuna casserole in the laundry...

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